<bgsound src="" loop="infinite"> An important thing... 「 」 A memory.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Ranting, "emo" post. If you aren't interested, scroll down. There's happy shit at the bottom.


Gah. I'm sick and tired of this place, this house, this family, everything. I just hate it. It just seems as if the sole purpose of me being here is to be yelled at, etc. I can't even enjoy myself without having my family members ruining my day for me. It seems as if they'd die if they don't yell at me for a day. It's driving me nuts. All I wanted is a break from all that hectic shedule. And I told them that I'd be home late. I already told them. And they didn't say anything, which I'm assuming that they're fine with it. Yet they yelled at me when I got home late. Like what the fuck? What about what I told you earlier? >>;

IN case you don't know who I'm referring to, it's this bitch in my family what I'm obliged to call "mom". And this other idiot whom I'm obliged to call "dad".

I do believe that life isn't only about studying, completing your fuckload of revision and homework, and being yelled at. I'm sorry but I want to have a life, one that isn't of a nerd's. >_> I'm not my sis dammit, stop expecting me to be FUCKING LIKE HER. WE'RE TWO DAMN DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALS YOU FUCKFACE. >_>

Besides, what's the point of me explaining anyway? You don't ever ever ever EVER believe what I say. So why bother? If you think I'm loose woman who sleep around, hang out with "gangsters" and "going horribly out of control", THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME DO WHAT I WANT DAMMIT. I'M SICK AND TIRED OF IT. >_> Why can't I live a day feeling nothing but happy? The only time I really enjoy myself is when I'm not at home, not with my family members, WHEN I DON'T SEE YOU FUCKING FUCKHEADS. I know I was home late, so what? It's not like I didn't rush to get home after I went out with Muffin, Kelton & gang. To fuck, when I rushed home via cab *refer to previous posts*, you assumed that I take the cab home all the time and that I'm wasting your fucking money. LIke wtf? So when I take the cab, it's wrong. But when I don't, it's wrong as well. Then how the FUCK do you want me to come home? Fly? Teleport? >>; Fuckheads.

Also, if you want to yell at me, fine. Don't bring others into the picture. The people that I hang out with aren't losers who don't give a fucking shit about life/studies/work, who play all the time and spend all their fucking cash, and are/acting like gangsters. You don't even know my friends, who are you to tell me what friends I have? You don't know, and you don't even bother finding out. Yet you make such assumptions. How the fucking hell is that fair? It's not. Not one bit. How can you just say that about them? I may not know them long etc, but it PISSES ME OFF that you're saying such shit about them. IT DOES. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF I SAID THAT YOUR FRIENDS ARE ALL FUCKFACES WHO AREN'T WORTH LIVING ON THIS EARTH? Losers.

And what about those fuckfaces on boards? You know, life would be SO much better if you'd appreciate what the admins had done for the board. EVEN WHEN THE OWNER ISN'T AROUND, WE HELP LIKE FUCK. Don't know something about the ACP? We help. Don't know how to change the layout? We help. Banner requests, etc? We help. And in the end what shit do we get? We get demoded to nothing but members. Even after all that we've done for the board. Fine enough, they're bad enough fuckheads already. Yet now, they are letting shitheads and fuckfaces run the board. AND now instead of respecting us, after so much that we've done, we're being treated like dirt. Like what the fuck.

I don't want to go home. I really wanted to stay out yesterday night, and not go home at all. Who the fuck wants to face fuckheads like them anyway. But I can't. I don't have a choice. I have school today, and I didn't bring my uniform out. No, I must go back for my uniform etc. Was it worth it? NO. Not really. I still think that life would be so much better if I just stayed out last night. Anyone who's willing to take me in for a while? D:

- rant end -


Happy part now! XD Hey you, stop scrolling. STOP SCROLLING. HAPPY PART STARTS HERE! >_<;;

Gahaha. Went out with Muffin!!! But she was an hour late! Nuuuu, ebil neh neh! ;___; Gahaha, but we had fun. =D Called the indecisive Esther, who later decided to join us! XD I had about seven rounds of DDR straight, and a round of Para Para. It was madness! I had muscle cramps already halfway while DDRing. D:

But I was happy. I passed songs that I couldn't. =D Got a B for all of them, except Nori Nori Nori, which I got an A. o_o To my utter shock. xDD zomgwtfSHOCKK. O__O;; Some of the songs are:

  • Afronova
  • Tsugaru
  • Nori Nori Nori [Dark + reversed]


  • Max 300
  • MaxXUnlimited

Yayyy. XD Gahaha. I played Max 300 and MaxXunlimited about two times each though. Utter madness! @_@ I wanted to try Healing Vision and Holic, but no one would help me. ;___; I didn't want to fail, so I decided not to. ^^;

Later we went for Miydarre's jamming. Keltonnnnn~! First time I saw him dressed so normal. XD The songs they make are awesome. *_* [is in love with them =X] The sound was loud though. LOUDDDDD. I think I'm deaf in one ear. >.O;

Later I'm going to catch Da Vinci Code with Ziqi. I can't wait for Ray le, by then movie bo liao. ;___; SORRIE! ><;

Gahaha. I'm signing off now, I ran out of things to talk about. D: Jya ne~!

~ Nazhuka Mizhuki ~


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An important thing... 「 」 A memory.

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